Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Twist: After Abhira and Armaan, Vidya Sets Her Sights on Ruhi and Rohit

In the latest episodes of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, the much-anticipated wedding of Abhira and Armaan has captivated viewers. Starring Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit, the popular show has kept audiences on the edge of their seats with numerous twists, particularly surrounding Ruhi's opposition to the wedding. Read Also: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler: Dadisa stand with Armaan, Abhira Against Vidya

Ruhi’s Struggles to Sabotage the Wedding
From the very beginning, Ruhi made it clear that she was determined to stop Abhira and Armaan's marriage. Her motivations were rooted in her lingering feelings for Armaan, hoping to rekindle their past relationship. Despite her continuous efforts to create obstacles, each of her plans failed. She tried everything from emotional manipulation to sabotage, but nothing seemed to break Armaan’s resolve.Read Also: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata hai tv show Vidya refuses to accept adhira and armaan marriage
The real turning point came when Abhira’s medical reports were revealed, stating that she could never become a mother. This news swayed the situation in Ruhi’s favor as Vidya and Dadisa, the family elders, vehemently opposed the union. They believed Armaan deserved someone who could provide him with a family, and Abhira’s inability to bear children became the focal point of their objections. Vidya, in particular, was adamant that Armaan should not marry Abhira.
Armaan’s Unwavering Love for Abhira

Despite the opposition from Vidya and Dadisa, Armaan stood by his love for Abhira. His unwavering commitment to her left no room for doubts. He firmly declared that no medical condition could change his feelings and chose Abhira over family expectations. Armaan's powerful stance emphasized his deep bond with her, stating that he would rather die than be with someone else, especially Ruhi.

Ruhi’s Change of Heart

Ruhi’s consistent attempts to sabotage the wedding culminated in a final act on the day of the ceremony. However, her plans once again fell flat when Armaan confronted her, making it abundantly clear that he no longer had feelings for her. His harsh words brought Ruhi back to reality. In a surprising twist, Ruhi transformed her perspective and accepted the truth. She ultimately decided to support Abhira and Armaan's relationship, leaving behind her bitter feelings.

Ruhi's newfound support became evident when she stood by Abhira’s side during a crucial moment. After the wedding, when Vidya lashed out at Abhira, cursing her and refusing to welcome the newlyweds into the family, Ruhi stepped in to defend Abhira. Her actions showed that she had genuinely turned over a new leaf, offering a glimmer of hope that the strained relationships within the family could begin to heal.

Vidya’s Unforgiving Nature

Despite Ruhi's change of heart, Vidya remains an unyielding force of opposition. She not only cursed Abhira but also delivered harsh, hurtful words to the newlyweds, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere during what should have been a joyous occasion. Vidya's refusal to welcome Abhira and Armaan reflects the ongoing challenges the couple will face as they embark on their new journey together.

As the storyline of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai continues to evolve, it’s clear that Abhira and Armaan's marriage will face hurdles, with Vidya’s grudge and opposition being at the forefront. The transformation of Ruhi’s character adds complexity to the narrative, leaving viewers curious about how future relationships in the family will unfold.

Stay tuned as more drama, emotions, and unexpected twists take center stage in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.