Why is night skincare important? Know about skin care before sleeping at night

If you do not take care of your skin at night and go to sleep without deep cleaning and moisturizing, then let us tell you that your skin can soon get ruined.

Actually, the skin heals itself at night, but if the dust, pollution and makeup of the whole day remains on it, then the pores of the skin will remain closed throughout the night, due to which the skin will have trouble breathing. This can cause problems like pimples, acne etc. Night skin care routine not only helps in keeping the skin hydrated, but also helps in keeping it healthy and glowing.

Benefits of night skin care: Skin cells heal faster at night, due to which any kind of damage to the skin comes into the process of healing slowly at night. In this way, if you use the right moisturizer at night, the skin remains hydrated and the aging process slows down. The skin looks fresh in the morning. The anti-aging element present in night cream or serum has a greater effect on the skin, which helps in reducing wrinkles.

The right way to do night skin care:

Cleaning first: First of all, clean your face thoroughly with a mild cleanser. So that the whole day's dirt and oil is removed. If you wear makeup, then double cleaning will be beneficial.

Use of toner: After cleanser, you can use toner on face and neck. It works to clean the pores of the skin and make them tight.

Apply serum: Apply serum on the skin according to your skin type. It nourishes and hydrates the skin and protects the skin from aging.

Apply moisturizer: It is very important to apply night cream or moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. It helps in making the skin flexible.

Eye cream is important: If the delicate skin around your eyes is getting loose, then you must use eye cream at night.

 Don't forget the lip balm: If you want to keep your lips soft, exfoliate them before going to bed and apply a lip balm to moisturize them. By following this routine, your skin will always remain hydrated and glow.