Mahima Chaudhry Recommends Hina Khan Opt for Cancer Treatment in India

Mahima Chaudhry Recommends Hina Khan Opt for Cancer Treatment in India

In a heartwarming show of solidarity, actor Mahima Chaudhry, a breast cancer survivor herself, has opened up about her role in supporting Hina Khan during her recent cancer diagnosis. The two actors have been connected since Hina Khan was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in June 2024, and Mahima was one of the first people Hina reached out to after hearing the news. Now, Mahima reveals that she played a significant part in guiding Hina’s choice to seek treatment in India over the US, highlighting the challenges of battling cancer far from home.

Hina Khan's Diagnosis
In June 2024, Hina Khan, beloved for her roles in television dramas, shocked her fans when she shared the news of her stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis. Ever since, Hina has been documenting her cancer journey on social media, providing her audience with updates and shedding light on the emotional and physical toll of cancer treatment. Throughout her journey, Hina has remained strong and inspiring, encouraging many others to stay hopeful while facing similar struggles.

Mahima Chaudhry's Role
During a conversation with India Today, Mahima Chaudhry revealed the deep connection she shares with Hina and the advice she offered in the aftermath of her diagnosis. Mahima, who herself has survived breast cancer, disclosed that she was the first person Hina called after receiving the devastating news.

Mahima recounted, “I met Hina very casually at a party, and we were in touch... But, the first person she called after the diagnosis was me. She said, ‘I have booked myself, and I am going to America and I am doing this and that.’”

Upon hearing Hina’s plans to fly to the US for treatment, Mahima felt compelled to share her own experience. She explained to Hina that although America has advanced medical facilities, undergoing treatment in a foreign country can be isolating. Mahima stressed that while the medicine and treatments are the same across the globe, the emotional support from family and friends, which is more accessible in India, is invaluable during such a tough time.

Mahima’s Advice to Hina
Drawing from her personal battle with cancer, Mahima expressed concerns about Hina being on her own in the US, especially during such an emotionally and physically draining ordeal. “That’s exactly how I felt,” Mahima explained, “But, you will be on your own (in America). And it’s a very, very tough treatment.”

Mahima highlighted the importance of having loved ones nearby during cancer treatment, something she found crucial during her own recovery. “The medicine is the same,” she reassured Hina, explaining that the quality of cancer treatment in India is no less than that of the US. What truly makes a difference, she emphasized, is having a strong support system—something that would be harder to maintain if Hina had chosen to go abroad.

Choosing India for Treatment
Hina Khan took Mahima’s advice to heart, and after thoughtful consideration, she decided to stay in India for her treatment. Mahima’s experience and advice gave her the perspective she needed to make an informed decision about her care, one that prioritized not just the medical aspect but also the emotional support she would need during the journey.

Mahima’s influence on Hina’s decision underscores the importance of support networks in the fight against cancer. While medical treatments may be the same in various countries, the comfort of family and familiar surroundings can play a critical role in helping patients stay resilient and hopeful.

As Hina Khan continues to document her cancer treatment, her openness serves as a beacon of strength for her fans and others facing similar battles. Meanwhile, Mahima Chaudhry’s guidance highlights the power of personal experiences in shaping life-changing decisions. The two actors, connected by their shared struggle, are shining examples of how friendship, support, and solidarity can provide strength in the darkest of times.