Lee Se Young and Sakaguchi Kentaro Share Their Experience Working Together on What Comes After Love

The highly anticipated series *What Comes After Love* brings together two of Asia's brightest stars—South Korean actress Lee Se Young and Japanese actor Sakaguchi Kentaro. Recently, the pair shared their experiences working together on the set in an exclusive interview with *Vogue Korea*. Their candid insights into the dynamics of their collaboration reveal how their professional chemistry and mutual admiration helped shape the series.
### A Story of Two Cultures

*What Comes After Love* is an upcoming Coupang Play series that has already garnered significant buzz, not just for its storyline but also for the unique pairing of Lee Se Young and Sakaguchi Kentaro, both celebrated actors in their respective countries. The cross-cultural collaboration between South Korea and Japan gives the project a distinctive edge, making it a standout in the realm of Asian drama. With such a fusion of talent, fans are eagerly awaiting the outcome.

In the interview, both actors shared their thoughts on working together, praising each other for their skills and discussing how their connection grew stronger during filming.
### Sakaguchi Kentaro's Admiration for Lee Se Young's Skill

Sakaguchi Kentaro, who has captured the hearts of many with his performances in films like *Our Little Sister* and *The 100th Love with You*, had nothing but glowing words for his co-star. When asked to name Lee Se Young’s strengths as an actress, he was quick to point out her "bright energy, honesty, and voice."

The Japanese actor delved into a specific moment during the shoot that made him realize just how exceptional Lee Se Young is. He recalled a crucial phone call scene, a pivotal moment in the storyline. "There was a phone call scene that is very close to a climax in the storyline," Sakaguchi shared. "The camera was capturing Se Young, and I was on the phone line with her outside the studio. Just by listening to her voice, I could tell clearly what she was feeling. I could just picture her. Admiration toward this actress really bloomed in that moment."

His recollection of this scene emphasizes the subtle yet powerful connection that can exist between actors, even when they aren't physically sharing the same space. For Sakaguchi, Lee Se Young's voice wasn’t just a tool of communication, but a profound expression of emotion that left a lasting impression on him.

He further explained that her voice carried the weight of her character's feelings and allowed him to visualize the emotional depth of her performance. Such a moment, he said, made him truly appreciate Lee Se Young’s ability to convey complex emotions through the smallest nuances.

### Lee Se Young’s Praise for Sakaguchi Kentaro’s Childlike Charm

Lee Se Young, who has been a staple in South Korean dramas and films, including hits like *The Crowned Clown* and *Kairos*, also had high praise for Sakaguchi Kentaro. Known for her poise and versatility as an actress, Lee was deeply impressed by Sakaguchi’s lively spirit and childlike purity, qualities she believes are crucial for an actor.

When asked about her co-star, Lee Se Young remarked, "He's childlike in some ways. I personally believe that if you're an actor, no matter how old you are, you need to have some purity in your heart. Like Peter Pan. And Kentaro has that." 

For Lee, Sakaguchi's youthful energy and approach to his work brought a refreshing dynamic to the set. "His eyes are always lively, he's always playful, and he arrives on set with an open mind," she shared. The South Korean actress appreciated this open-mindedness, explaining that it allowed them both to experiment with their scenes, resulting in a more authentic portrayal of their characters' relationship.

### The Chemistry That Drives *What Comes After Love*

What truly stood out from both actors' reflections is the deep level of respect and understanding they have for each other's craft. It’s not just about talent, but about the attitude they bring to their roles. Lee Se Young's admiration for Sakaguchi’s playful spirit and Sakaguchi’s respect for her emotional depth and professionalism made for a powerful dynamic on set. 

This synergy is likely to translate into a compelling on-screen relationship, which will no doubt draw viewers in. Both actors’ mutual appreciation highlights how collaboration between cultures and different acting styles can bring about a richer, more nuanced performance.

In a way, their comments suggest that they approached their roles with a sense of curiosity and willingness to learn from one another. The result? A partnership that not only strengthened the emotional core of *What Comes After Love* but also deepened their personal growth as actors.

### Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers

Another intriguing aspect of their collaboration is how they managed to bridge the language and cultural barriers that often arise in international projects. While Sakaguchi is a native Japanese speaker and Lee Se Young speaks Korean, they found ways to communicate beyond words. Their comments suggest that much of their connection was rooted in a shared commitment to the project and an understanding of the emotions their characters were meant to convey.

The pair acknowledged that the language difference could have been a challenge, but it ended up being an opportunity to focus on non-verbal cues, like body language and vocal tones. In Sakaguchi's case, just listening to Lee Se Young’s voice in a climactic scene was enough for him to feel the depth of her performance. This underscores how powerful acting can transcend language and create genuine moments of connection.

### Anticipation Builds for the Release

As the release of *What Comes After Love* approaches, fans of both Lee Se Young and Sakaguchi Kentaro are eager to see their unique chemistry unfold on screen. The series is expected to offer not only a captivating story but also a rare opportunity to witness a cross-cultural collaboration between two acclaimed actors from different corners of Asia.

Their experiences working together, as shared in the *Vogue Korea* interview, promise that the emotional weight of the series will be heightened by the authenticity of their performances. Both Lee Se Young and Sakaguchi Kentaro brought their distinct styles and strengths to the set, and their mutual respect and admiration will undoubtedly shine through in their portrayal of the complex emotions that *What Comes After Love* explores.

In an industry where international collaborations are becoming more frequent, Lee Se Young and Sakaguchi Kentaro’s partnership is a perfect example of how actors from different backgrounds can come together to create something extraordinary. Fans are eagerly counting down the days until they can experience the magic of their collaboration firsthand.